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Other works

These are the other smaller projects that I have done during my time in Ngee Ann Polytechnic. I have also included some notable mentions from back in my secondary school days as well



Mount stickmore (lighting project for year 1 polytechnic)

This was my first physical project in Ngee Ann Polytechnic, we were tasked to make a lighting design. This project was however not chosen as a finalist but i am still rather proud of it.


Packaging Project

This is also another physical project where we were tasked to create packaging designs for any product that we wanted to work on. This project was based on a competition but I was however not selected for said competition. I am however very proud of the final product.



DFC Spain (2017)

This project was a design conference that i participated in back when i was in secondary school. We were given the opportunity to represent Singapore for this conference where people from all over the world would gather and share their designs and how it could better the world

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